
Friday, April 4, 2014


Once there was a man who had 3 daughters and was a single parent to his children.
 One morning he asked his oldest daughter, Sonia, to do the breakfast dishes before going to school.
 Not realizing that she was already running late and facing too many tardy notices, 
he was stunned by her reaction. She burst into profuse tears. 
Again, misinterpreting the motive behind the outburst, assuming that she was merely 
trying to get out of an unpleasant chore, he demanded that she dry her tears 
and get back to work immediately. She reluctantly obeyed him, but her anger could 
be clearly heard in the careless clanking of the dishes in the sink, she turned back
 to her father and stared sullenly out the window. Usually the man use to take advantage 
of the uninterrupted time to spend with his children while driving them to school
 by teaching poetry or religious verses. However that morning there was no songs- 
only deathly, stubborn silence. The man dropped his daughter, mumbled a good bye
 and moved to office. He tried to work but couldn’t concentrate all he could see was
 his daughter’s scared, tear-stained face as she hesitantly climbed out of the car to 
face her teachers and classmates. The man began to realize that his timing had 
gone wrong and with the passage of the day he began to feel remorseful. 
So he decided to say SORRY to his daughter and couldn’t wait till suppertime
 to apologize. So he took permission from the school to take his daughter for
 lunch and was astonished to see the surprise on her face. He led her by her 
arm through the corridor and as the doors banged behind them, he turned
 towards his daughter and said, “Sonia I am sorry. I am so very sorry! 
It’s not that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right 
on it this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time 
when you most needed my love and support- just before you went to school
. And I let you go without saying ‘I love you’. I was wrong. Please forgive me.”
o Sonia put her arms around her father’s neck and hugged him and said “Oh, Dad, 
of course I forgive you. I love you too.”
o The power of these restorative words, “I am Sorry!” is such that they heal relationships –
 between us and our friends and loved ones, and between us and God.

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